The West Virginia Association of Sanitarians wants to provide its members with the most up to date trainings available. Look below for agendas.
The date is approaching fast. Don’t miss out!
The West Virginia Association of Sanitarians is proud to announce our Mid-Year Conference to be held at Canaan Valley Resort, 230 Main Lodge Rd, Davis, WV 26260 on May 14-16, 2025. Below, we have provided registration information, registration forms and the agenda. Pre-registration (encouraged). Mark your calendars today. You won't want to miss this!
Exhibits will be located in the same area where break refreshments will be served. This enables conference attendee’s ample time to view the exhibits and ask questions of the representatives.
Please follow the registration instructions for the conference below and submit the WVAS Mid-Year Exhibit Registration and payment either online or by mail.
Our Association hopes that you will be interested in providing an exhibit, and/or advertising in our program for this year’s conference.
For your convenience, a block of rooms has been reserved at Canaan Valley Resort the Room Rate is $108.00 per night + taxes/fees. Reservations need to be made no later that April 13, 2025.
Use the following link and code to make your reservation online
By phone at (304) 866-4121 ext. 7701 Code: 106450
This year the WVAS is excited to provide multiple options for conference registration.
Register by mail by sending the registration form (located in the Mid-Year Documents section below) along with a check to:
West Virginia Association of Sanitarians
P.O. Box 334
Kingwood, WV 26537
Register online by completing the registration form located in the Mid-Year Documents section below and attaching to the online submission form.
Information Coming Soon!
The West Virginia Public Health Association is Proud to announce the 101st Annual Conference to be held at Oglebay Resort, 465 Lodge Drive, Wheeling, WV 26003 on September 17–19, 2025. As we get closer to the event, we will provide more information on lodging, program agenda, and Pre-registration (encouraged). Mark your calendars today. You won't want to miss this!
All attendees must be a member of the West Virginia Public Health Association to register for the conference. If not already paid, membership dues will be collected during registration.
New: Section registration fees are included with Full Conference Registration, and Thursday only Registrations. All registration fees will be paid with one payment. Note: Section membership dues will still be coordinated by each section.